By Mei Yee
I took the time to interview my eleven-year-old, who is also on the autistic spectrum. I complied some questions to ask her. I typed out her answers exactly as she said them to me and here are the results:
Question 1: What do you like most about yourself right now?
Kisa: Big brain
Question 2: What do you think your future job will be?
Kisa: I want to be an animator.
Question 3: What is the funniest thing you've every done?
Kisa: I don't remember what happened but someone said something that they should have done and I yelled “but cha didn’t”.
Question 4: How do you spend your time?
Kisa: Yes
Me: No really
Kisa: uh ... I like listening to music
Question 5: What are you good at?
Kisa: Drawing and singing according to some people
Question 6: What do you think will be different about the world when you're an adult?
Kisa: Humans might be 2% dumber.
Me: uuuhhhh
Kisa: Yes
Question 7: Who is your best friend and why do you like each other?
Kisa: Alana and her theory is because we both like milk.
Question 8: What do you think I do all day at work?
Kisa: Listen to music. *starts singing* I ain't get no sleep cuz of y'all. Y'all not gonna sleep cuz of me.
Me: What? Is that even a song?
Kisa: I don't know.
Question 9: What's the most important rule that you know of?
Kisa: Safety last in some situations.
Me: Why safety last?
Kisa: In some situations you may have to break the rules and throw a chair.
Question 10: What do you know how to do that you could teach me?
Kisa: *singing* never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.
Me: why didn't we film this?
Kisa: Is that a question, because yes.
Me: What is something that you can do that I can't
Kisa: Draw
Me: Well see, that is something you could teach me.
Kisa: But I can't teach.
Question 11: Why do you think kids go to school?
Kisa: So we can have the biggest brain.
Question 12: What is your favorite outfit?
Kisa: I have outfits?
Me: Yes
Kisa: oh, then shirts and pants
Question 13: What makes you really annoyed?
Kisa When the person who goes “Macaroni and Chicken strips aaahhh” does it in the middle of class
Me: Wait, this is a real thing
Kisa: Yes, it is especially annoying during math class
Me: Is that kid okay? Or just hungry?
Kisa: I will get back to you on that.
Question 14: What do you think is the worst thing that could happen?
Kisa: The world could explode.
Question 15: What makes you feel proud?
Kisa: When people think I could be a comedian when I grow up.
Question 16: What makes you happy?
Kisa: *points to sibling* I guess this one.
Question 17:What is the best thing that's happened to you lately?
Kisa: Mia got a youtube channel.
Me: No, to you.
Kisa: She is my friend. We now both have youtube channels. I am happy.
Me: Fair enough.
Question 18: How do you know when you are right?
Kisa: When the teacher says the answers that I chose.
Question 19: What do you do when you feel sad?
Kisa: Aggressively ignore people.
Question 20: What is a question you would like to ask me?
Kisa: why are you running?
Me: what?
Kisa: it is a meme
Me: a serious question
Kisa: have you ever killed someone?
Kisa: got any grapes?
Me: Out of all the questions you could ask me, that is what you want to ask?
Kisa: Yes