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3 Thanksgiving Crafts

By Mei Yee

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly! Here are three Thanksgiving themed crafts to try with your children:

1. Hand turkeys. Some of you may be familiar with this one. You will need construction paper, a pencil, scissors and some glue. On a piece of construction paper, trace your child's hand and then cut it out. Do this a couple times if you want your turkey to have more feathers. Then you can cut out the turkeys body however you want, just don't forget eyes and a beak. Then glue it altogether.

2. Painting with apples. What you will need; apples, paint, paper and a knife. Parents cut the apples in half vertically, to get the apple shape. Or you could cut it horizontally then you could cut a shape on it, to make it more like a stamp. After that let the kids dip the apples in the paint. You could also use plain white t-shirts in place of paper, this way they can make themselves a shirt.

3. Characters from toilet paper rolls. For this one you will need toilet paper towel rolls, paint (your choice depending on who you are making), construction paper, glue, scissors and markers. Let's say you want to keep making turkeys. Get some brown paint and paint the roll. While it dries, cut out the feathers. Now you can either use the markers to draw the eyes and beak or cut it out of construction paper. Lastly glue on the feathers and face if you cut one out.

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