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Children's Book Author Spotlight - Danielle N. Thornewell

Books develop and nourish kids’ imaginations, expanding their worlds. Picture books introduce young children to the world of art and literature. Novels and nonfiction books stimulate kids’ sensory awareness, helping kids to see, hear, taste, feel, and smell on an imagined level. Books inform our imaginations, inspiring creativity.

This Children's Book Author Spotlight Series is going to showcase independent children's book authors and their works. We strive to bring you the best there is to offer and an insight into the world of children's books!


This week we are featuring author Danielle N Thornewell.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to write your first book.

I always loved writing and dreamed of being an author since I was young. I started out writing poetry and submitting it to contests. This turned into writing longer stories that flourished into books.

What inspired the idea for your book?

My book started out as a class project in High School where we had to think of a story for English class. I began to think about why the story had to end there. I felt the story idea had so much more to say.

What part of the book was the most fun to write?

I have to say the final two chapters was the most fun. The entire story was building up until the grand finale. Even I get surprised where the characters lead me while writing. The characters take on a life of their own.

How long did it take you to write this book?

I started my first book many years ago while I was in High School. I took many years off and finally decided to publish it myself through Amazon. This book was many years in the making.

Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself?

Yes, writing and finally publishing my book has always been a dream of mine from when I was young. It has given me alot of pride and given me inspiration to keep getting better and better at my writing.

Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?

My husband and children are my biggest supporters.

What books did you grow up reading?

I loved to read growing up and would read all different genres of books. If my Mom couldn't find me then it was usually because I was so engaged in whatever book I was reading at the time. I am now a big fan of all books by Stephen King.

Would you share something about yourself that your readers don’t know (yet)?

I decided not to attend college right out of High School and did not finally graduate with my Associates degree until earlier this year. I received my degree in Office Systems Technology.

Anything you want to add? (pic)

I hope all the readers of my books enjoys them and can truly appreciate the time and effort (and love) that I pour into every story. Thank you all!

Where can our readers find you? (Website, Social Media, etc)

Pinterest: @dthornewellauthor


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